Thursday, July 2, 2015

Word of the Day: Gress

The English language is complicated.

Too complicated, some might say.

The good news is that I'm here to make it simpler. How? By adding words to it.

You might think that would make it more difficult, but this word is already contained within other English words; we just never use it in its basic form.

This new word is "gress."
It's a verb meaning to go, to move, to proceed, etc.

Here are a few English words based off of it that you've probably already incorporated into your vocabulary:

Progress -- to gress forward
Regress -- to gress again
Digress -- to gress in two directions
Ingress -- to gress inward
Egress -- to gress electronically
Gresshopper -- those little bugs who gress around in the backyard
Congress -- a gressing of convicts

I encourage you all to gress out into the world and help bring this word into common usage.
"Selfie" is the dictionary, for God's sake. We can make this happen.

My word processor has already stopped putting squiggly red lines under "gress."
Now that's what I call progress.

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